Filter base

By selecting the filter base, you can determine whether a filter should filter according to a company, a visit or an individual value.

When does it make sense to change the filter base?

A filter works by default based on visits. This means that all actions of a visit are displayed after the filter has been applied. Changing the filter base is useful if you want to extend the effect of a filter to a company or limit it to a single measured value such as a single page.

How can I change the filter base of a filter?

You can change the filter base within the filter settings by clicking on the lower icon for the filter base and selecting the desired base.

Change filter base

If you change the filter base, do this before you create a rule, because this data is lost when you change the filter base and you would then have to re-enter it.


Visit-based vs. company-based in the company overview

Beispiel: Filter | Ausschließen | Seite = Warenkorb

With a visit-based filter, all visits are excluded; with the company-based filter, all companies that have accessed the “Contact form” page are excluded.

Difference between company-based vs. visit-based filters

Visit-based vs. click-based in the usage analysis

Beispiel: Filter | Einschließen | Seite = Warenkorb

With a visit-based filter, the usage analysis shows all pages that were accessed during visits with the “Contact form” page in the visit history. A click-based filter only outputs the values of the filtered page “Contact form” and ignores the remaining pages from the visits.

Difference between click-based and visit-based filters

You can also apply company-based, click-based and visit-based filters at the same time. Please note, however, that several filters are always in an AND relationship to each other. By adding further filters, you will therefore always get the same amount or fewer results, never more.