
In the statistics of the Companies category, you can obtain all information on the recognized companies and the associated tracked data. This category includes: Company Overview, Company Visits Chronological, New Companies, Companies by Industry and Companies by Size

Company overview

All recognized companies from the period selected in the calendar are displayed in the company overview. The displayed values such as length of stay, pis, number of visits etc. represent the sum of all visits to this company.
If you click on a company name, you will be shown extended data on this company in a separate window.

You can freely configure which values are displayed in the company overview or in the extended view. To make the settings, select the “Configuration” button at the top right of the menu.

Company visits Chronological

The company names of the tracked companies are displayed in the Chronological company visits statistics in a similar way to the company overview. Unlike in the company overview, however, all individual visits are listed here chronologically. All values that you can read here therefore only refer to the respective visit. It can therefore happen that a company name appears several times because several independent website calls have also been made from the recognized company.

New companies

In the New companies statistics, you will only see companies that were recognized for the first time in the period currently set. The first visit to the respective company is therefore within the set date range.

The new companies statistic is helpful if you want to view a list specifically for potential new customers. Existing customers, partners, suppliers etc. will probably have visited your website after a certain time and will therefore no longer appear in the list of new companies.


All sectors of the recognized companies are listed under the sector heading. The measured values relate to all visits from the respective sector. The sector designations are taken from the classification of economic sectors (WZ2008). A complete list and further information can be found here .

By clicking the action button “Go to company overview” you can directly display the companies that correspond to the respective industry.

Company size

The list of company sizes indicates how many employees the recognized companies have. The units are broken down as follows:

without specification
1 – 4 employees
5 – 9 employees
10 – 19 employees
20 – 49 employees
50 – 99 employees
100 – 199 employees
200 – 499 employees
500 – 999 employees
1000 – 1999 Employees
2000 employees or more

You can use the “Go to company overview” action button to directly display the companies that correspond to the respective number of employees.