Companies In the statistics of the Companies category, you can obtain all information on the recognized companies and the associated tracked...
Visits In the Visits category, only pure numerical values on the number of visits, unique visitors and dwell time for a...
Geolocation All results in the geolocation statistics are displayed according to geographical characteristics. The data therefore shows you specifically which country...
Behavior In the Behavior category, the path of the pages visited is displayed, starting from the origin to the other pages...
Usage In the usage category, all data stored by the visitor’s use of the website can be read out. These include:...
Origin The data collected in the origin statistics shows which channels the visitors used to reach your website. This includes external...
Technology All information relating to the technical settings of the computer or a browser can be found under the Technology category....
Individualize statistics In the “Edit table” menu, you can set various options for displaying the data in the desired statistics. Among other...
Company overview / Company and visit details You can display the tracked data from the company overview in three different levels. When do I use which display?...
Measured values You can display different measured values in each statistic. Why should I display other measured values? Depending on the goals...