• Salesforce App

    With the LeadLab4Salesforce software, you receive your leads in your familiar Salesforce environment. The tabs “LeadLab Companies” and “LeadLab Visits” display the company data of your website. Company overview The identified LeadLab companies end up in a separate data container. This enables differentiation from existing leads and accounts in your…

  • Filter data by zip code and distribute

    You can filter all data by zip code, for example, and send it automatically to various recipients via a report. You can either enter zip code areas or individual zip codes. Create zip code filter You can create new filters under the Tools | Filter menu or directly via the…

  • Work efficiently with Markings

    Recognized companies can be marked in order to make the display of tracked data more efficient. This can be done either individually, semi-automatically or automatically. Mark companies individually In order to assign a desired marker to as many recognized companies as possible, you can display the measured value in the…

  • Evaluate campaigns – link with Google Ads

    By using a campaign link, you can evaluate how someone reached your homepage. What advantage do I have with campaign tracking? By using campaigns, you can see through which channels a lead has reached your website. Via an online banner, a measurement portal, Xing, LinkedIn, Google Ads, links to partner…

  • Companies

    In the statistics of the Companies category, you can obtain all information on the recognized companies and the associated tracked data. This category includes: Company Overview, Company Visits Chronological, New Companies, Companies by Industry and Companies by Size Company overview All recognized companies from the period selected in the calendar…

  • Visits

    In the Visits category, only pure numerical values on the number of visits, unique visitors and dwell time for a specific period are displayed. You can choose between different sizes when displaying the visit statistics. Visits Per year, month, week, weekday, day, hour or minute. The most frequently selected size…

  • Geolocation

    All results in the geolocation statistics are displayed according to geographical characteristics. The data therefore shows you specifically which country or region a visitor comes from. The statistics in the geolocation category are continent, country, region, and city. Display All statistics show the same recorded data. You can set which…

  • Behavior

    In the Behavior category, the path of the pages visited is displayed, starting from the origin to the other pages that the visitors have accessed. This gives you a clear overview of the way your visitors view the website. The following views are possible: country, industry, campaign, search engine and…

  • Usage

    In the usage category, all data stored by the visitor’s use of the website can be read out. These include: URLs, Pages, Areas, Milestones, Entry Pages, Exit Pages, Downloads, External Links Mailto Links, Events, Custom Links and Tracking Domain. URLs URL stands for Unique Resource Locator. The addresses of the…

  • Origin

    The data collected in the origin statistics shows which channels the visitors used to reach your website. This includes external referrers, search engines, search phrases, campaigns, origin and search terms. External referrer A referrer indicates the website from which someone has reached your website. This does not have to be…

  • Technology

    All information relating to the technical settings of the computer or a browser can be found under the Technology category. The Technology category contains the following statistics: Browsers, Operating Systems, Color Depth, Resolutions, Mobile Visits, Mobile Operating Systems and Devices Browser The Browser statistics list all recognized browser types, including…

  • Embedding tracking code in HTML

    To embed the WiredMinds tracking code into your HTML page, copy and paste the tracking code into the HEAD section of your website. Example below! Show tracking code.